TIBCO Password Policy

The password policy for accounts (user accounts and service accounts) whose passwords are managed by TIBCO is as follows:

  • Minimum password length is eight characters.

  • For passwords created after 24 July 2022, the password must contain at least three of the following characters:

    • English upper case characters (A through Z)

    • English lower case characters (a through z)

    • Non-alphabetic characters (such as !, @, #, #, %, ^, &, and so on)

    • Numbers (0 through 9)

  • You are locked out of the system for one minute after three consecutive incorrect passwords. You can try again after waiting for a minute.

  • Your new password must not be the same as your previous password.

  • You can change the user account password as frequently as you want.

  • The user account password can be temporarily displayed but the service account password cannot be displayed.

Note: TIBCO does not manage the account lockout and password policies for the users of an organization for which external IdP has been configured.

For more information about the TIBCO password policy, see this support article.

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