Organization Management APIs

Use APIs to create a child organization, get information about all the child organizations, and delete a child organization. You can also remove and edit tags of child organizations by using APIs.

To visit the Cloud APIs page, go to the Downloads & APIs tab and click the Cloud API section. All the Cloud APIs are available on the Connected Intelligence Cloud tile.


  • You must be signed in to the parent organization in TIBCO Cloud as an owner of the parent organization.

  • When deleting a child organization, all of its domain subscriptions must be in the same region from where you have signed in and are calling the delete API.

  • You must generate the OAuth 2 token.

  1. On the Settings tab, click the OAuth access tokens from the navigation pane.

  2. To add a token, click the Generate token button.

  3. In the Generate OAuth 2 token window, enter a token name. Note that the token names are case-sensitive.

  4. For the access token to be valid for a limited duration, select Valid for limited duration.

  5. Select the maximum validity in minutes, hours, or days. Typically, the maximum limit is 30 days.

  6. If you want the access token to be valid for an unlimited duration and refreshed periodically, select Unlimited duration, refresh periodically.

  7. From the drop down, select the OAuth client you want to use.

  8. Select one or more domains for which the access token applies and then click Generate.

  9. Use the generated OAuth token as the Authorization header for the API as per your requirement.

APIs to manage your organization

You can use the OAuth 2 token that you have generated in the following APIs:

  • Add a child organization

  • Get a list of all the child organizations

  • Delete a child organization and all the domains that it is associated with

  • Update tags for a given organization

  • Delete a given tag of an organization